- 公司:
- 分类:高校
- 人气指数:2652
- 网站世界排名:第15867名. Angola排名:第301名
  Institute of Systems and Robotics-University of Coimbra (ISR-UC) is a Portuguese private, non-profit research institution. ISR-UC promotes advanced multidisciplinary R&D in the areas Mobile Autonomous Robotics, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Search and Rescue Robotics, Robotic Manipulation, Computer Vision, Medical Robotics, Assistive Technologies, Biomedical Engineering, Advanced Industrial Automation Technologies and Intelligent Energy Systems. ISRUC gives special attention to international scientific research cooperation with centers of excellence, as well as to training and education Initiatives. ISR was founded in 1992 with the global purpose of setting up a first class multi-disciplinary research team, able to carry out leading edge research in several important areas of science and technology, with a special emphasis in systems and robotics. ISR has also developed strong links with industry, either existing national and international companies, or promoting the creation of spin-offs.
  ISR-UC is organized in two research groups:
  - Automation and Robotics for Human Life;
  - Computer Vision and Robot Perception.
- 北京理工智能机器人
- 北京理工大学智能机器人与系统高精尖创新中心(以下简称“中心”)成立于2015年08月,是获得北京市教育委员会首批认定的13个高精尖创新中心之一
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- 广州大学机器人实验室--网站首页--广州大学智能服务机器人(垃圾分类专题)竞赛
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- 北京联合大学机器人学院
- 在世界性的新一轮科技和产业浪潮来临之际,在国家大力发展智能机器人产业的重大历史背景下,北京联合大学顺应潮流、抓住机遇,率先在中国高校成立机器人学院