- 公司:Aethon
- 分类:服务机器人
- 人气指数:1154
- 网站世界排名:第1185022名. 美国排名:第390781名
  Company Background
  Aethon is best known for its TUG autonomous mobile delivery robot which transports medications, meals and materials through hospitals. Our industry leading autonomous mobile robot enables hospitals to automate and improve the delivery and retrieval process across all major functions - including medications, supplies, meals, linen, and waste removal. Aethon is also the developer of MedEx, a software system that tracks and maintains chain-of-custody control of medication delivery. Aethon’s products allow hospitals to automate, manage and track the internal logistics that are critical to hospital operations. We offer solutions for all major departments; which account for over 85% of all goods that move or need delivered in a hospital.
  Through the use of mobile robotics, tracking software, RFID, bar-code technology and web-based technologies, Aethon’s Intralogistics™ solutions automate the physical delivery of goods, track and monitor high value medication deliveries and ultimately improve hospital efficiency, clinical staff effectiveness and patient satisfaction. Aethon’s solutions are used by over 140 hospitals in some of the most prestigious medical centers in the world.
  The TUG has become commonplace in hospitals and makes over 50,000 deliveries each week in over 140 hospitals throughout the United States. Hospitals employing Aethon solutions are able to reallocate and refocus staff on what matters - the patient experience. Based in Pittsburgh, PA, and founded in 2004, Aethon is a leader in providing dependable and affordable mobile autonomous robots for practical business applications. The company’s Intralogistics platform helps hospitals increase productivity and staff satisfaction, while saving time and money. The combination of TUG smart autonomous mobile robots, a courier system for the delivery and recovery of hospital goods and supplies, and MedEx, its added tracking and security system, redefines hospital logistics. These two systems work in concert to enable hospitals to improve staff efficiency and satisfaction, increase asset utilization, decrease missing medications, reduce errors, and improve regulatory compliance, leading to a better overall patient experience and ROI.
  We are passionate about automating the internal logistics in hospitals to help make healthcare more efficient and effective. Our customers are a cross-section of hospital sizes and include the largest integrated delivery networks, smaller community hospitals, and numerous Veterans Administration Hospitals. Aethon has also begun distribution in Europe and Australia. Our products are designed, manufactured and supported in the Pittsburgh, PA headquarters.
  What’s in a Name?
  Aethon (pronounced ā-thon) is taken from one of the four horses of ancient Greek mythology that pulls Helios’ chariot - the sun - across the sky each day. At Aethon, we also set our sights high, working to develop faster, smarter and more efficient ways to deliver and track hospital needs. And, like our mythological horse, our products work 24 hours a day, every day, so you can reallocate and refocus your staff on quality patient care. For more information about how Aethon can help save your hospital staff time, resources, and money, please contact Aethon.
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