- 公司:
- 分类:工业机器人
- 人气指数:9303
- 网站世界排名:第317847名. 美国排名:第91183名
  在亚马逊机器人, 我们不断 reimagining 现在的样子。我们看到了大局, 想象一个更好的画面, 把复杂问题变成优雅简单的解决方案的连接。我们的驱动, 以更聪明, 更快, 更一致的客户体验燃料亚马逊-和行业前进, 现在。我们怀着无畏的决心, 以真正的解决方案来实现不可能的目标, 今天我们迎接明天的挑战。
  At Amazon Robotics, we are continually reimagining what now looks like. We see the big picture, imagine a better one, and make the connections that turn complex problems into elegantly simple solutions. Our drive toward a smarter, faster, more consistent customer experience fuels Amazon - and the industry - forward, now. With a fearless resolve to achieve the improbable with real solutions, we meet tomorrow's challenges today. We Reimagine Now.
- 小乔机器人
- 蒲公英随风飘散的样子很美,它享受自由、漂泊四方、随遇而安并终将找到自己的归宿从而落地生根,开枝散叶。蒲公英智能科技就是这样一群80后的年轻人,因为共同的梦想和产品理念走到了一起,我们致力于基于生活服务的智能设备及机器人产品的研发,强调将科技融入生活,让每一款产品能实实在在地解决生活中一些问题
- Aethon
- Company BackgroundAethon is best known for its TUG autonomous mobile delivery robot which transports medications
- EPSON Robotics
- With over 55,000+ robots installed in factories throughout the world