- 公司:AURIS Health
- 分类:医疗机器人
- 人气指数:9475
- 网站世界排名:第1788273名. 美国排名:第802539名
AURIS Health
  我们相信, 在这个世界上, 病人护理不再由现有工具的局限性预先决定。我们创造平台, 提高医生的能力, 发展微创技术, 并创造新的护理类别, 重新定义最佳的病人结局。
  Auris Health, Inc, is transforming medical intervention with the introduction of the Monarch Platform.
  With the Monarch Platform, Auris seeks to leverage the power of flexible robotics to enable new possibilities in endoscopy, which uses small cameras and tools to enter the body through its natural openings.
  The Monarch Platform integrates the latest advancements in robotics, micro-instrumentation, endoscope design, sensing, and data science into one platform to improve outcomes and reduce cost. The first disease in our sight is lung cancer.
  The Monarch Platform is intended for diagnostic and therapeutic bronchoscopic procedures.
  Auris Health, Inc. was formerly known as Auris Surgical Robotics, Inc.
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