University of Michigan
- 公司:密歇根大学
- 分类:高校
- 人气指数:3864
- 网站世界排名:第1540名. 美国排名:第328名
  Robots are no longer stationary devices welded to the factory floor, encased in cages to keep humans out of their workspaces. Already, robots walk, fly, drive, and swim. They sense their environments and communicate with each other and with humans, and more startling advances are on the way.
  In the not-too-distant future we can look forward to prosthetic limbs that link with the human brain to restore function for stroke patients and accident victims. The University of Michigan is leading the way to develop driverless cars that will save tens of thousands of lives every year. Autonomous submarines will map the ocean floor and inspect ships’ hulls for cracks and other dangers. Walking robots will assist humans with search-and-rescue tasks. Interactive robotic devices will enable the elderly to age gracefully and safely within their homes using natural language and fluid gestures.
- BlueRobotics
- Blue Robotics makes the BlueROV2 underwater vehicle and components and parts for marine robotics including thrusters, watertight enclosures
- Carnegie Mellon University
- 卡内基梅隆大学机器人学院官方网站。卡耐基梅隆大学机器人学院研究老师如何用机器人在课堂中教授计算机科学、科学、科技,工程和数学(CS-STEM).
- University of Texas
- Columbia University
- 哥伦比亚大学机器人学院官方网站。