- 公司:纳恩博(天津)科技有限公司
- 分类:交通机器人
- 人气指数:8807
- 网站世界排名:第1099361名. 地区排名:第-名
  Ninebot is a privately held company headquartered in Beijing, China. Recently Ninebot strategically merged with Segway, headquartered in Bedford, New Hampshire. The combined company focuses on the research and development, design, manufacturing, distribution and sales of short-distance transportation products. The ultimate goal is to promote the evolution of our products to become the world’s leading provider of mobile robotics solutions.
  Ninebot is well-known in Asia and Europe. Its investors include Sequoia Capital, Xiaomi Corporation and ShunWei TMT Capital. Segway boasts an international distribution network of more than 250 retail points in 80 countries. The combined company has strategic hubs in the US, Netherlands and Beijing as well as manufacturing centers in the US and China.
  Segway and Ninebot will also devote a great deal of attention to seamlessly connecting robotic solutions to smart phones and integrating existing technologies and future concepts, such as voice interaction and facial recognition with its robotic products - products that will be highly interactive and encourage smarter living.
- 安曼机器人
- 东莞市安曼工业机器人有限公司位于广东珠三角地区制造业名城--东莞市,于2010年开始涉足工业机器人领域。我们一直致力研究工业机器人周边设备工具,帮助客户解决应用方案的困难,以及降低使用者的运营成本,减轻操作人员的工作强度,从而帮忙提高生产效率,改善产品质量,为客户真正创造更高的经济效益
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- 木爷机器人
- 上海木爷机器人技术有限公司于2014年8月22日在长宁区市场监督管理局登记成立。法定代表人蒋化冰,公司经营范围包括机器人技术、计算机、电子领域内的技术开发等
- 快仓
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- 墨馨机器人
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