Magic Leap
- 公司:Magic Leap
- 分类:AR/VR
- 人气指数:4049
- 网站世界排名:第116952名. 美国排名:第27265名
Magic Leap
  You already own the world’s most amazing computer. You’re using it right now, to think with and blink with and maybe even smile with. It’s your one-of-a-kind mind. And with it, you can do incredible things. Magic things.
  Compare that to the technology in your life. You know, those rectangular boxes that you spend the majority of your life staring into? The ones that demand your attention, and keep you distracted from the things that really matter: Friends! Family! Dragons!
  With those things in mind, we decided to take a different path and rethink the relationship technology has with people. What we found was when you give the brain and the body what they want, suddenly the shackles are off, the rectangular boxes are tossed, and something magical happens…experiences like none you’ve ever seen.
  Whales jump out of gymnasium floors, solar systems can be held in the palm of your hand, and you can share your world in completely new ways.
  We’re so excited to show you what we’re building. So while we work to get it exactly right for you, please keep in touch and know that magic is right around the corner.
- 微链科技
- 微链科技有限公司是IRT行业的领导者。15年来深耕IT业务,成功的把IT(信息技术)与RT(机器人技术)相融合,推动了社会智能化的发展。微链人工智能研究院自有品牌werobotics集研发、设计、制造、服务为一体
- Leap Motion
- 您的双手就是原始通用接口。借助我们前所未有的手部追踪功能,您能够将双手伸入虚拟和增强现实之中并与新世界进行互动。我们目前正与主要虚拟现实制造商合作,将 Leap Motion 技术嵌入移动 VR/AR 头戴设备之中