KingKong Robot
- 公司:KingKong Robot
- 分类:国外机器人
- 人气指数:7002
- 网站世界排名:第10402799名. 地区排名:第-名
KingKong Robot
  金刚机器人有限公司是一家制造公司, 成立于 2013年, 旨在研究和开发广泛的有趣, 多才多艺, 强大的教育机器人平台或可编程的机器人套件, 具有较强的实践经验。我们所有的产品都是为那些想教授机器人控制技术、传感、遥控、自动化机械和移动操作研究的技术教育家设计的。
  King Kong Robot Limited is a manufacturing company founded in 2013, it aims to research and develop a wide range of funny, versatile, powerful educational robot platform or programmable robot kits with strong practical experience. All our products have been designed for technology educator who want to teach robot control technology, sensing, remote control, automation machinery and research in mobile manipulation.
  Our products included programmable robot kits, Arduino robot kit, sensor functions, wired and wireless remote control, tri-tracked tank robot kit, tank robot kit, mecanum wheels and robot parts. All of our products suitable for researchers, teachers, classrooms, robot teams, science projects, self teaching, gifted students, robot hobbyist, home schooling, extra educational stimulation, etc.
  The company based on the quality guideline as “does from the small things, produces the best quality products, acquire all clients” contentment “, supplying clients the best products and service. Welcome to join us!
  King Kong Robot is developing reputable resellers and distributors promote our product to world wide market. We sincerely hope to cooperate with you in this industry to create a refulgent future.
- 机器人帮
- 机器人帮作为一个连接平台,致力于机器人上下游产业在互联网上的交易撮合,是中国机器人行业领先交易网站。依托线下资源,我们与ABB、KUKA、安川、川崎等机器人品牌有着良好的合作关系
- ByRobot
- BYROBOT 是飞行机器人领域的领先专家。BYROBOT 的工程师在研发和制造方面拥有超过15年的经验, 对在商业、工业和军事领域的机器人技术的进步充满热情
- Robot.de
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- RobotLab
- robotlab - art, installation, research