- 公司:Yaskawa America, Inc.
- 分类:工业机器人
- 人气指数:8431
- 网站世界排名:第271079名. 美国排名:第98043名
Yaskawa America, Inc.
  安川电机(中国)有限公司是有近100年历史的日本安川电机株式会社全额投资的外商独资企业,于1999年4月在上海注册成立,注册资金3110万美金。 随着业务范围和企业规模的不断扩大,公司除上海总部外还在广州、北京、成都等地开设了分公司,并在中国各地区设立了代理店和经销商,组成一个强大而全面的服务网络,使客户能最快捷地获得专业的咨询服务。公司设有销售部、技术部、售后服务部、物流部等部门,企业规模在不断地扩大中。
  公司名称:安川电机(中国)有限公司 (Yaskawa Electric(China)Co.,Ltd)
  Yaskawa Electric has been part of the world market for nearly a century now, and like a good wine it only continues to get better with time. From its inaugural appearance on the scene beginning in 1915 until its current presence, Yaskawa has made great strides forward both as a corporation and within the products they manufacture.
  Yaskawa has gone from producing basic three-phase induction motors and low-voltage magnetic contactors nearly 90 years ago, to present day, where new state-of-the-art U1000 Industrial Matrix inverter drive is sweeping the industry because of it’s power quality and energy savings.
  Regardless of the advancements that have taken place over time, there is one thing that hasn’t changed and that’s Yaskawa’s commitment to quality. Yaskawa is dedicated to manufacturing the highest quality products on the market and is willing to stand behind them with guarantees. Its Yaskawa’s continued success and outstanding reputation that is driving Yaskawa to the top and taking customers along for the experience.