- 公司:
- 分类:聊天机器人
- 人气指数:1581
- 网站世界排名:第149884名. 美国排名:第130932名
  Pandorabots Playground是一个免费的集成开发环境,用于构建加载了功能和工具的聊天机器人。 在几分钟内学习聊天机器人开发的基础知识,或通过我们的教程磨练您的技能。 查看和下载在bot开发期间使用的对话日志。 然后,使用AIaaS将您的bot集成到应用程序中。
  The Pandorabots Playground is a free, integrated development environment for building chatbots loaded with features and tools. Learn the basics of chatbot development in minutes, or hone your skills with our Tutorial. View and download conversation logs to use during bot development. Then, integrate your bot into applications using AIaaS.
- Smooch
- Smooch is about making to start that first conversation as easy as possible, the person you're looking for could be right here
- Botsify
- Botsify allows you to sign up with facebook and create chatbot in 5 minutes
- Beep Boop
- Beep BoopBeep Boop is a ridiculously simple developer platform for Slack integrations.Hosting, analytics, deployments
- Motion AI
- Motion AI推出的免代码模块化商用bot开发工具将易用性和扩展性做到极致,任何会使用流程图的用户都能上手开发bot,哪怕他一点编程经验都没有。Motion AI能够开发面向多个平台的bot,包括Facebook、Slack、SMS短信、电子邮件、web网站等等