ReWalk Robotics
- 公司:
- 分类:工业机器人
- 人气指数:4154
- 网站世界排名:第631437名. 德国排名:第117351名
  ReWalk Robotics is an innovative medical device company that is designing, developing and commercializing exoskeletons allowing wheelchair-bound individuals to stand and walk once again.
  Our mission is to fundamentally change the Quality of Life for individuals with lower limb disability through the creation and development of market leading robotic technologies.
  Current ReWalk designs are intended for people with paraplegia, a spinal cord injury resulting in complete or incomplete paralysis of the legs. The system uses patented motion sensing technology along with battery-powered motorized legs powering knee and hip movement which is controlled by proprietary on-board computers and software.
  The ReWalk™ systems allows the user to sit, stand, walk, turn and has the ability to climb and descend stairs*. ReWalk users are able to independently operate the systems.
  ReWalk currently offers two systems:
  ReWalk Personal: Designed for everyday and all day use by individuals at home and in their communities, and is custom-fit for each user.
  ReWalk Rehabilitation: Designed for the clinical rehabilitation environment where it provides user with valuable training exercise and therapy.
  ReWalk received - as the first exoskeleton in US - the FDA clearance to market in 2014.
  CE and additional regulatory approvals exist in select geographies.
  *Stairs function not currently available in the USA.
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